A Look Back at JoyFul | Two Million Acts of Kindness and Over 235K Meals Donated
Since 2021, JoyFul events have woven a vibrant tapestry of community and connection for millions of college and university students across the country.
read moreCHARLOTTE, N.C., March 9, 2023 – Chartwells Higher Education, a recognized leader in contract food service management, today announced “PowerFul,” a nationwide event focused on celebrating the positive impacts local heroes make on campuses and in communities across the country. PowerFul is the fourth and final signature event in Chartwells’ award-winning JoyFul campaign for 2023 and will take place during the week of April 4.
PowerFul will be simultaneously celebrated across Chartwells campuses, featuring special menus, activities, and giveaways with a focus on highlighting the hero in all of us. Each campus will showcase menus packed with feel-good foods that provide students with the nutrition to be powerful, such as whole grains, lean proteins, locally grown and seasonal vegetables, and un-processed, freshly made meals. Students will also have a chance to send gifts and notes of gratitude to personal or community heroes, thanking them for their impact.
“We want to give students the chance to celebrate the power they have to make a positive impact in their communities as well as give thanks to those who have made a difference in their lives,” said Lisa McEuen, CEO of Chartwells Higher Education. “By honoring 250,000 community heroes through PowerFul, our goal is to host a national event that gives thanks, spreads joy, and helps bring local communities together.”
During PowerFul, students and faculty can write thank you notes at various stations to either distribute on their own or leave to be delivered, along with gifts, to local community heroes such as firefighters, police, first responders, nurses, or anyone that’s made a positive impact on their life. With other activities like yoga, therapy dogs, self-care baskets, and feel-good-themed initiatives like hero walls, PowerFul will allow millions of students in campus communities to thank their heroes and feel good about their own impacts in the community. The Power-Ful campaign also encourages Chartwells associates to participate by thanking their own front-line associates, chefs, and team members and highlighting their hard work.
PowerFul is another example of how Chartwells is bringing students across the nation together in memorable ways through the Joy-Ful campaign. For more information on Chartwells and Power-Ful, please visit http://chartwellshighered.com/.