“I was born and raised in Dunmore, Pennsylvania as the middle child of three. Growing up, my parents were one of my biggest influences – they have been a loving and great support system my entire life and I am endlessly grateful for them and my two brothers. I currently reside in Pennsylvania with my husband, Sean, and our dog, Chico.
For the better part of my life, I was very guarded and was afraid to take the leap. I would look at couples being happy together and say to myself, “why can’t this be me?” In May of 2019 I met the most amazing man who would eventually become my husband. Through Sean’s support, I was able to become comfortable with myself. I toiled of how I would tell everyone. For a short time, I would sit and almost burst because I couldn’t share the time that I spent with Sean with anyone else. Finally with his unwavering support, I came out to my family and closest friends. It was one of the hardest things I had to do, but I couldn’t have asked for a more loving support system. Sean and I married in December of 2019 and through it all we have created a wonderful life together. I also found great support from my team, clients, and sisters at Our Lady of Peace Residence and IHM Center. I now realize we are all on our own unique journeys and am living my life to the fullest.
I began my career with Chartwells in September of 2004 after graduating from Marywood University. For ten years, my role continued to evolve as I served as the Dining Room Supervisor, Dining Room Manager, Assistant Catering Manager, and Associate Director. My favorite days were planning and arranging student specials and holidays, as well as handling all of the marketing. In July of 2014, I served as Interim Director of Dining Services at Our Lady of Peace Residence and IHM Center, and in August of 2014 I became the Director of Dining Services.
In my free time, I enjoy camping and traveling with my husband, gardening, swimming, cooking, movies, Crossfit, and preparing for the holidays. I am always doing a project around the house and enjoy volunteering in several community and civic organizations in the Dunmore and Scranton area, as well as at my church.
I try to celebrate Pride each day by following the meaning of the word – “pride.” That being: consciousness of one’s own dignity. We are all on this earth for a reason, and each of us is responsible to make sure that respect and dignity is shown to all! It is through Pride that we celebrate the achievements of the past and present to ensure that we are all comfortable and provide the support needed to those who do not have it in order to create a better future.”
June is Pride Month, and we are honored to offer our platforms to our team members as they share their journeys in their own unique voices
#pridemonth #loveislove